Invest in Evangelization
Evangelization is our mission, in essence, to share our faith and be witness to our relationship with Jesus to everyone. Through Baptism, we promise to live this mission to go out, share the Good News, and make modern day disciples.
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will grow our church one person at a time through a multi-faceted personal approach in order to build family and parish unity. We will assist parishes to provide a richer spiritual experience and partner with parish leaders to proactively engage in new and creative ways to feed our flock.
A portion of the campaign funds will be used for these efforts to re-invigorate our faith by providing evangelization support for parish leaders. Implementation will include, but is not limited to developing:
- Front-line ministries that support a welcoming atmosphere;
- Parish culture to more deeply build a relationship with Jesus;
- Opportunities to dynamically engage with youth, young adults, and young families; and,
- More meaningful prayer life.
Did you know?
Faith Formation or “catechesis” is not just for children or teens. As an esteemed term in Christian tradition, its purpose is to make a person’s “faith become living, conscious and active, through the light of instruction.” It is a lifelong process for the individual and a constant and concerted pastoral activity of the Christian community.