To make a single pledge payment on a credit/debit card or checking account:
- Select your parish (only parishes currently participating in Re-Igniting Our Faith are listed.)
- Select “Make a single gift”
- Choose your payment amount (or select other to type in a different amount)
- Enter your billing information
- Enter your card/account details
- Click Donate – You should receive a confirmation email
To set up automatic pledge payments on a credit/debit card or checking account:
• Select your parish (only parishes currently participating in Re-Igniting Our Faith are listed.)
• Select the Pledge (monthly payments) button
• Select the amount of your outstanding pledge balance (or select Other to type in a different amount)
• How often would you like your gift to be deducted?
o Select your payment frequency:
Monthly = 1st day of each month starting on the next month
Quarterly = 1st day of every three months starting on the next month
Annually = Every year on January 1st.
• How long would you like your gift to be deducted?
o Select the Number of Payments Based on Frequency:
Monthly payments = select up to 60 months (5 years)
Quarterly payments = select up to 20 quarters (5 years)
Annual payments = select up to 5 years
Enter your billing information
• Enter your card/account details
• Click Donate – You should receive a confirmation email
Only those parishes currently conducting a Re-Igniting Our Faith campaign are visible.
Our vendor, Blackbaud, encrypts your personal and credit card information. Please call us if you need to update your payment method. Your credit card statement will read “ReIgnitingOurFaith”.
Please note: Automatic credit card transactions for pledge payments will be processed on the 1st of each month. If the 1st falls on a weekend or holiday, the pledge payment will be processed on the following business day. All payments will appear on your credit card statement as “ReIgnitingOurFaith“. Direct Debit payments (from your checking account) generally take two business days to complete.